The 1st Professional Online School Dedicated to Gluten Free Baking
Are you ready to learn the secrets of gluten-free baking? We are excited to announce the launch of The Gluten Free Culinary School! Our school is designed to help you master the art of making delicious gluten-free baked goods. Our courses are designed to give you the tools and techniques needed to create amazing gluten-free […]
Becoming a Professional Cake Decorator After Being Diagnosed with Celiac Disease.
“You have Celiac Disease,” the doctor said, as Lisa Alfest’s eyes filled with tears of disbelief. With these two words, her dreams of opening a bakery and custom cake studio shattered. But with sheer determination, after her diagnosis in December, she entered culinary school in January. Every night, she went home frustrated, researching how to convert her […]
Welcome to The Gluten Free Culinary School
We are the world’s first training center for individuals who wish to either open their own gluten free bakery or who wish to work as a professional gluten free pastry chef in a hotel, restaurant or cafe. We give you the recipes you need to be successful, and we provide videos that are visual and […]